Sunday, February 27, 2011

Art Galley Visit

1) Works that made a impact or impression on me?

"number 11" by Charles Simonds- Clay with wood base- 1978
What happened here? Where are all the people?

"Barefoot" by Allison Saer- wood Bronze, ceiling tin, tar- 2007
This work had an impression because it reminded me of diseases and life treating illnesses that deteriorate the body

"the marina pircola, capri" by Albert Beirstadt - oil on canvas- 1859
This work had a impact on me because it is a beautiful scene.  I own a boat and would love to go boating here.

2) Works i feel a conection with...

"Gilbert Perrault" by David Levinthal - Color Print- 2007
I felt a connection with this work because I enjoy hockey.
"Peaceable kingdom" by Edward Hicks- oil on canvas- 1848
I Enjoy the outdoors and animal I felt connected to this piece.

"Indian" by Paul Manship- Bronze- 1914

I feel related to this piece because I love hunting and this Indian looks like he is doing some hunting.
3)Work i would like to know more about
"Urban Landscape Buffalo" by Zhan Wang- pots and Pans- 2005- 2010
I was just wondering what would possess someone to put all these pots and pans together.  Where did they get this idea.

"Kindergrab" by Thamas Scheibitz - oil- 1999
I would like to know what dose this work mean? What is the meaning and purpose?

"Coast Scene" by John F. Kensett- 1860 oil on canvas
I would want to know where this coast is. Is it real?


  1. The variety of pieces that you chose for this project is great. I also really liked the pots and pans piece, I think it's a really creative way to do a landscape. The sabres exhibit was also really neat because that is such a big piece of history and part of our culture here in Buffalo.

  2. Each of your examples are all interesting pieces of art. I related the hockey photo right away to Buffalo because of the blue and yellow that he is wearing. The model of the structure also caught my eye as it gave a real insight into how life used to be and what primitive architecture looked like.
