Sunday, February 27, 2011

Art Galley Visit

1) Works that made a impact or impression on me?

"number 11" by Charles Simonds- Clay with wood base- 1978
What happened here? Where are all the people?

"Barefoot" by Allison Saer- wood Bronze, ceiling tin, tar- 2007
This work had an impression because it reminded me of diseases and life treating illnesses that deteriorate the body

"the marina pircola, capri" by Albert Beirstadt - oil on canvas- 1859
This work had a impact on me because it is a beautiful scene.  I own a boat and would love to go boating here.

2) Works i feel a conection with...

"Gilbert Perrault" by David Levinthal - Color Print- 2007
I felt a connection with this work because I enjoy hockey.
"Peaceable kingdom" by Edward Hicks- oil on canvas- 1848
I Enjoy the outdoors and animal I felt connected to this piece.

"Indian" by Paul Manship- Bronze- 1914

I feel related to this piece because I love hunting and this Indian looks like he is doing some hunting.
3)Work i would like to know more about
"Urban Landscape Buffalo" by Zhan Wang- pots and Pans- 2005- 2010
I was just wondering what would possess someone to put all these pots and pans together.  Where did they get this idea.

"Kindergrab" by Thamas Scheibitz - oil- 1999
I would like to know what dose this work mean? What is the meaning and purpose?

"Coast Scene" by John F. Kensett- 1860 oil on canvas
I would want to know where this coast is. Is it real?

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Logo design

For my logo i used my intials.

Well this is about as creative as i get with drawing.  I started by drawing and imporving the steeches i had.

Drawing and graphic arts are not as easy as they look.

Logos have alot of art in them.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Art Color Wheel

1. I thought creating these was intersting and different.

2.I enjoyed working with water colors the best it brought me back to the days of kidnergarden.

3.That the traditional primary colors are not the actual colors.

4.Like i sadi abvoe i learned the actual primary colors.  The videos were fast and easy to understand.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Element of Art

My Slide show link is above.  For this project i took a about half the pictures and found the other half of the photos from the pictures on my computer.  While reviewing and taking photos it really helped me to visualise and remember the different elements of art.  I have a wide variety of photos in my slide show representing the elements of art. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Color and the Emotions

Color has an unbelievable effect on emotions.  I work at DuPont and a couple of years ago I know they hired a company to come in and paint around the plant.  This company had an expert that went through and selected colors that would make the happiest and most productive employees.  Before that I never really thought about colors having anything to do with productivity but after the plant was painted I was shocked at how good it looked and how it made me feel.  The video says that green fits in with nature and the environment, yellow is supposed to bring out happiness, red is thought of related to anger, and blues are supposed to be calming.
Is what is interested to me is history and the color of gold related to people socioeconomic status in their society.  Thinking back a King of a country is always picture with a gold crown and staff just shows the power that he/she is entrusted with to rule and oversee the land.  That shinny color people have risked everything and tried to mine it from the earth.  There is a lot of history behind it.
I thought the biggest impact on me during this video was Junaw account of Venice’s river.  The boat just has this death defying terror feel when I looked at it.  The boat just sticks out and color has everything to do with making this possible.  The coloring was violent and after thinking about it I’m really not sure what the artist wanted the viewer to think.  After pondering a couple of possibilities I still could not come up with a defendant answer this is why I recently found art to be interesting because I have a one of a kind perspective when looking at art.  
I thought the coloring and the artwork during the renaissance was particular interesting.  During this time art was revolutionized.  It seemed that the work from the era involves a lot of portraits of famous and well known people.  These people are being remembered by the coloring and the perspective the artist gave and I feel it is so important for us to understand why the artist used this color over that color.  The artist was trying to create a masterpiece that would be remembered and looked at for years to come.  The artist uses his/her imagination and colors to depict the object that they are trying to portray.  I find how the use of different colors has to do with the emotions of the artist felt is very interesting.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Video Review Week 2

1.      For both of videos I learned the concept of aesthetics and familiarized myself with the theory.  I am new to the art scene and it is interesting how art and philosophy are related.  I like how the works of art express emotions that the artists have, and how certain works these emotions are more visible to the viewer than others.  I learned that art really affects everything from the way are brain works to how birds and animals reproduce.  Much from the videos were over many head and too much for me to fully understand but I did learn that everything involves art.  I found how art stimulates the brain and the visual system particularly interesting in the you tube video.

2.      I believe the 4th B.C century Plato has the most important theory on aesthetics.  Although the video mentions that he did not have aesthetic view I do believe that he had the concepts of aesthetics.  He was the first philosopher to look at art and set the basis for others to interpret it.  He said “what is beautiful in itself is not this object or that one, but that which conveys their own nature” Plato explained how the true nature of things we see are different than our ideas.  Also those ideas are interpreted through our senses and it is this that creates beauty. 

3.      I think both Changeux and Ramachandran have very prevalent interesting points in terms to how things interact with art.  Changeux seems to rationalize and relate art to a form of science, using philosophical viewpoints and uses logic to explain art.  Ramachandran thinks that art is an idea and is more towards the notion that art is related more to idealism that art is based on ideas rather than science.

4.      The videos seem to relate fairly close to the text.   The themes of art that’s talked about in the videos are similar but not the same as those discussed in the text. 

5.      To be honest the films were over my head after watching them.  I have no prior experience in any art environment and I think even an “art for dummies” perhaps would be hard for me to understand.  After viewing the videos multiple times I grasped the true meaning of us viewing these videos.  Art relates in some form or another to everything that we do in our lives and has a very big role in nature for example birds reproducing.  I never thought about some of the perspectives that art is looked at but after seeing them it defiantly makes sense.